Friday, May 30, 2008

Invitation to Tender: Episode 1.5

On a quick rejoinder before episode 2, Micheal Joseph is pulling hidden cards off his sleeve. In his latest invention since "Please call me. Thank You."- my pal's favourite quote, MJ doesn't think Kenyan's have peculiar calling habits after all... or so he says.

Three days after introducing the Ongea Tarrif Safaricom advertise that if you buy credit worth Ksh. 100 during the day, your calls would be free from 9pm that night to 6pm the next day. Too good to be true? Well, yesterday a peculiar Kenyan like me topped up my account with Ksh.100 and couldn't wait for my reward come 9pm.

9pm came and passed, my calls were still being charged! Wait a minute, did they say buy credit worth Ksh. 100 or 'spend credit worth Ksh.100 which you bought that day and exhaust any credit balance which may have been in your account, then...'.


Obie said...

I tried it once again yesterday and it actually went through and wasn't charged. Getting through is like winning the lottery though...
Not good enough, Micheal

Fred said...

Sounds like a good time to excersice your 'money back' guarantee. Make sure you throw in conc law jargon to intimidate the cashier to refunding your full sh.100. If he calls the!!!

Obie said...

Celtel's new tariff, sounds like a soon enough reply to Safcom's offer. Will post something on that soon. I'm soon subscribing to the Uhurunet thing. Celtel's still one up...