Saturday, October 3, 2009

RoboCon Kenya '09 Nairobi Regional

First Peeks

The Ministry of Higher Education and Technology has organized a Robot Contest (RoboCon), between Kenyan Universities and middle level colleges. The regional competition is taking place today at the Kenya Polytechnic. Here are the first looks at the Robots from institutions taking part in the competition.

Nairobi University Robot, Stephanie

Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology Robot

Nairobi Technical Training Institute Robot

Kenya Technical Training Institute Robot

Machakos Institute of Technology Robot

For more information on RoboCon click here.


*M* said...

Are you involved in the competition?

Obie said...

Yeah, I was up until this stage. Now that I'm in fifth year I'm laying off afew of the projects. But will def post the finals...

sartaj faisal said...


Great information and the regional competition is taking place today at the Kenya Polytechnic. Here are the first looks at the Robots from institutions taking part in the competition.

James Parker.
Web design Company

Unknown said...

hello every one
this competition of the Robots is seems to be an interesting and the very competative competition. one who deserve will be rewarded for the hard and the smart work

Unknown said...

hello every one
this competition of the Robots is seems to be an interesting and the very competative competition. one who deserve will be rewarded for the hard and the smart work

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